Chuck Schuldiner Project

Friday, May 27, 2011

Eyes Like the Sea

I'm going to be honest, -core reviews are frustrating for me to write, on one hand, the -core genre is frequently so repetitive, the "minimally interesting tech riff, chugging, clean singing, another minimally interesting tech riff, gang singing, breakdown, prog riff, gang singing, song end" template covers about 60% of -core songs. Regrettably I can't say Eyes Like the Sea transcends this template much at all except for perhaps re-arranging the pieces. I'd love to be able to elaborate or find some sort of a diamond in the rough here, but unfortunately the highest part of this EP appears to be the opening riff of "we're not professional apologizers", which sounds very much like a scale. Eyes Like the Sea isn't bad per se, but they're dreadfully cliche, playing a "copy, of a copy, of a copy" to quote Fight Club.

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