Chuck Schuldiner Project

Monday, May 30, 2011

Meet The Storm

Once again, I'm trying to work on developing my writing to be more interesting and / or effective, this time with some pointers from Angry Metal Guy (link to his site in the post below this one).

I found Meet The Storm on the facebook page for Grind Esign (he's worked with graphic design for more bands than I can remember, the biggest names that I remember being Aborted, Cannibal Corpse (don't quote me on that one) and Metallica, he's got some really sick stuff up there, so feel free to check it out. In his words, they play "dirty rock and roll", I concur. I can't really say that I love them, or even that I like them, but that its worth giving them a listen anyway.

So I don't know how much attention anybody really pays to my "expertises" or tastes, and I'm assuming this is largely irrelevant to just about all our readers. I'm more into the extreme metal side of things, this dirty rock thing is unfamiliar territory for me, so I won't be really comparing Meet The Storm to any other bands. On top of my afflictions towards extreme metal, I'm somewhat ADD for music, Meet the Storm's music isn't jibing very well with this. It's not like the sound suffers from excessive buildup like "Evisceration Plague" by Cannibal Corpse does, its just that many of the beats and riffs wouldn't be memorable if it wasn't for their repetition, incidentally, something about repeating an easily forgettable piece because its forgettable sounds like twisted logic. Hindenburg is probably the worst offender of the lot, featuring one riff and beat that never seems to end.

By the time these passages end, I feel like I'm less interested in the quality of the material that I'm listening to, and more the fact that its different. Unfortunately this is sort of a cop-out for the frequently very entertaining choruses and interludes throughout the three song set; I end up tuning much of the music out as white noise. The sporadically choppy transitions do little to help make the experience any more coherent than white noise/decent riff/more white noise. Out of the three songs, I'm definitely impartial to "Sailing out to Fail" as being the most coherent, least repetitive of the lot.

While stylistically, there's nothing wrong with Meet the Storm as "dirty rock and roll" band other than the dreadfully punk sounding vocals, they fail to produce interesting listening material. I'm sure there are likely plenty of other "issues" to speak of, none of them would be as comparatively inhibitive as the repetition.


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