Chuck Schuldiner Project

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Gaia's Throne

Gaia's Throne is a really nifty power metal type band that incorporates a lot of porg as well as neoclassical influences to create a metal sound that is entirely theit own, yet at the same time, not so out there that no one else can understand them. They have their own niche and their very own sound, something that most modern bands lack. The musicians here are brilliant and their are tons of guitar solos. They add flavor to everything and really just dominate the music. The band feels really powerful, their sound is almost atmospheric, it is a veritable wall that you can not escape. It's very impressive really. The singing is very good too, I really like the singers combination of Labrie styled more elegant vocals with harsher Dickinson/Halford type bellows. Overall though this band is yet another stellar addition to the Indian metal scene, so go check them out!

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