Chuck Schuldiner Project

Saturday, June 15, 2013


A destructive grunge band with loads of distortion and dazzling bass beats PseudoNympho are a band who are determined to wipe out the posers and bring a new type of heavy music to the scene. A group who use stellar transitions between cleans and growls in a way that reminds me of Alice in Chains after a fashion. The gritty nature of the music makes it appeal to hoary old metalheads like me while the more melodic passages open up the music to more mainstream fans. This band is at times violent and unforgiving and at others filled with aural caresses that will break even the most hardened death metal heart. In short, if you're looking for some fresh new metal that seems to fuse grunge with death metal in a way that even Kurt Cobain would have been proud of then PseudoNympho is a band you MUST check out. Their stellar songwriting and dynamic riffs help to make them one of the more innovative unsigned discoveries I have made this year. They're pushing the boundaries of metal and infusing it with a heavy dose of grunge and alternative music, who knows what could happen next?

Find them on Facebook!

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