Twenty three minutes of groovy,
slightly occult rock with some great production and a wonderful sense
of dynamics. That's what you're digging in to when you find yourself
in the mysterious soundscapes of Dirty Sound Magnet. I've covered
this band in the past, and was fairly impressed, but now I feel as if
they have achieved a new frontier, masters of a new reality. Songs
like 21st Century Witch and Chocolate Woman guide you
through a world of big choruses and excellent songwriting. This is
what rock music is supposed to sound like.
Despite the touches of grandeur and
occasionally twisted vibe of many of these songs, Dirty Sound Magnet
are still distinctly human. The vocal lines speak to very basic human
emotions and go beyond the speakers and into the heart. Part of the
beauty of this EP is that every song is very distinct and allows the
band to experiment with something exciting and new. As you progress
through the CD you will be exposed to a range of emotions, yet
somehow despite it all, everything seems linked together. Simply put,
the songwriting is magnificent and this permits the band to get at
certain topics in ways that many of their peers simply can not.
As the group eases into the albums
final track, Strike Me (Hate Yourself) you start to get a sense of
the surprising beauty of the group. They have pulled back the curtain
and revealed a world that many of us ignore. The crunchy guitars and
brilliantly produced drums will draw you into the music, latching on
to that heartbeat that is the bass guitar. Let yourself let go and
feel the unorthodox, yet strangely natural feeling vibes of Dirty
Sound Magnet. These guys understand something important about the
fundamental nature of humanity and listening to The Bloop is
a balm for the lost soul.
Find them on Facebook!
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