Slomatics have fascinated me ever since Conan frontman Jon Paul Davis raved about them to me when I was seventeen years old. Getting to go back and check out their catalogue has been a rare treat, and listening to the bands incredible evolution from 2005's caveman-esque Flooding The Weir to the much more mature 2007 release Kalceanna is stunning, and hints at how great this band was to become. Slomatics use a much wider sonic pallet to create a jaw dropping record full of the sonic liberation that makes the band great.
The magic of Kalceanna comes in fits and bursts. You only gradually realize how good this record is. Be it the acoustic remonstrations that find their way into this record gracefully, adding touches of eerie melodies or the noisy waves of distortion that give the album breadth Kalceanna sees Slomatics bringing their unique brand of doom to the next level. Ever chord resonates with the listener and rattles the soul and every howl seems as if it was torn from an alternate dimension. Despite this, the grooves remain fresh - punishing you and rolling over your skull, time and time again until you are utterly flattened and impossibly in love.
Simply put - Kalceanna is entrancing. You can't help but love what the band has done here because it feels so pure. It's a perfect reflection of the artists, and because of that you can get a much deeper understanding of the bands raw humanity. Despite the crushing volume Slomatics remains viable because of the glorious tone and wonderfully organic nature of the sound. Kalceanna is the sound of liberation, and if you are not ready to dive into the freedom it provides then this band is just not for you.
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