Chuck Schuldiner Project

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Mother of Graves - The Periapt Of Absence


It feels to me at least that doom metal is finally starting to have a bit of a resurgence. After years where it had disappeared almost entirely from the limelight, the genre seems to once more be capturing the imaginations of fans across the globe with a whole crop of exciting new bands. Perhaps chief among them are the masterful Mother Of Graves. Their new new album, The Periapt Of Absence is doom metal done right. It's epic, sorrowful and strangely beautiful, indicating this is a band who fundamentally understand what makes the genre work. 

Mother Of Graves immaculate blending of funeral doom with more contemporary ideas is deeply compelling. The larger than life melodies and doomed vocals draw you into a unique sound world where Mothers Of Graves are king. There is something utterly undeniable about the minor key threnodies and the scope of the work here. This is a record that understands the magic of doom metal and finds a way to tug at my heart strings the same way Pallbearer did all those years ago when I was first falling in love with the genre. But not only that, The Periapt Of Absence is a clear step forward for Mother Of Graves as a band, doubling down on their early promise and proving that they are a head and shoulders above so many of their peers. 

Ther Periapt Of Absence is a truly great album and a potent statement of what makes doom great in 2024. The performances here are transcendent, beautiful and showcase a deep understanding of all that is doomed that came before, from Black Sabbath and Blue Cheer to Woods of Ypres and Subrosa. Mother Of Graves have gone above and beyond with this release to show they are modern day masters of the craft. It's hard not to be impressed with this large scope and transcendent release. Pre-order it before it drops, you'll be listening a lot. 

Pre-order the album here!


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