Chuck Schuldiner Project

Monday, October 7, 2024

Repuked - Club Squirting Blood


With a name like Repuked, it's gotta be good. Suffice it to say every once in a while a band hits my inbox whose name basically forces me to listen to them. Repuked was one such band. Suffice it to say their upcoming album, Club Squirting Blood basically sounds how you would imagine it too. It's crushing, weird and devastating death metal that refuses to compromise or do anything that sounds remotely mainstream. Instead they prioritize sick riff after sick riff after sick riff leaving listeners begging for more. This isn't death metal for the faint of heart. 

Song titles like "Dark Purge Fluid" and "Stench Inhaler" give you a sense of what this band is about. They're offensive and proud of it, like some sort of conservative mothers' nightmare of what death metal is. But that's exactly what makes it so goddamn compelling and fun! After all who doesn't love a good "BLECH"? Repuked understand the vile beauty of death metal and it's hard to drag yourself away from their abrasive and over the top sounds. These songs are stripped to the core and wonderfully twisted. What more could you want from the carnage? 

Pre-order the album here:

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