Chuck Schuldiner Project

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tidal Reach

Tidal Reach is a pretty cool prog band out of Swansea. Their music features a lot of complex proggy elements yet they also bring in some mainstream metal ideas to make the music a bit more accessible. As is I feel that this band is very much limited by their production which, while not bad, could definitely be a lot more lush and full. I feel like bringing a keyboard into the mix would take the band to a whole new level. However, with the current line up Tidal Reach is a brilliant gateway prog band. With songs streamlined enough to appeal to your average Linkin Park fan but technical enough to interest a prog snob this is a band that many metalheads would enjoy. One highlight on this record is the vocals, I really enjoy the aural caresses on songs like The Warrior. To finish, Tidal Reach is a potent prog act who can easily to take things to the next level and become lords of prog.

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