Chuck Schuldiner Project

Monday, February 18, 2013


Mirror cover art

Ferium is a very solid death metal band whose spicy riffs and fiery progressions are given a touch of proggy brilliance making for a sound that is dominating and powerful. Replete with swirling solos that whisk the mind away on an epic journey of death metal insanity Reflections is interesting upon first listen. The riffs have a certain crushing might to them in both their penetrating repetition as well as their unabashed aggression. Their is a certain groove present that helps make the music all them more listenable, it comes to defines the sound and shows that while Ferium has a proggy death metal exterior there is something that your average Lamb of God fan will appreciate as well. Reflections is a fascinating record with a widespread potential appeal.

Generally the riffs are not too squirrely, instead they seem to rely on solid songwriting that permits even fairly straightforward riffs to fit in nicely.  That is not to say that there are no interesting rhythm figures. In fact, some songs, like Blood, could be described as a groovier Meshuggah. The rhythm section is very tight and the bass is exceptionally high in the mix. It helps give the record a bit of a hardcore edge. I also find the drumming to be very tight with a wealth of tasty fills that help to bring the music to a whole new level. The djentier sections in particular show off some truly spectacular drumming. Finally, the growls seem to be ripped out of the vocalist, very much in the style of Chuck Schuldiner himself.

To finish, Reflections subverts the boundary between death metal and djent, while definitely not djent by the popular definition elements of it creep in and distort the bands Sound of Perseverance influenced music. Powerful lyrics are the icing on the cake with couplets like "I fear the void, but I respect it/It fills me whole, when and where I need it." you have to respect this band. This album shows strong musicians putting out a release that combines a variety of genres for a beautiful artistic statement that is hard to find in this modern over saturated scene.

Check the band out on Facebook and buy their album here!

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