Chuck Schuldiner Project

Saturday, March 30, 2013


TriYangle is a destructive hard rock band with super groovy riffs and crazed chops that allow them to get a powerful sound that is almost reminiscent of Clutch. Since 2002 this power trio has been crushing heads and seeing all sorts of hard gigging action. The  sometimes eerie vocals layer nicely over top of this attitude driven mix for an end sound that has a creepy quality to it that makes me want to keep listening. At other times the vocals have a much grittier and more down to earth style. Their is a nice flow between them for an interesting end product. It's interesting to note that while TrYangle is not strictly a prog act there are lots of groovy prog elements tossed in here. With a very cool new music video out the future seems very bright for TrYangle, they might finally be ready to challenge the international stage. In short TrYangle is a fun rock band who have some great songwriting chops and lots of tasty elements that help to make them into a veritable modern hard rock force.

Find them on Facebook!

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