Electronic rarely provokes anything more than indifference to me, I think its simply because most of these bands don't really have the aggression or ferocity to make things interesting for me. Yet every once in a while there is a group who really get how to make electronic rock and release something powerful and beautiful. With Tenth Electrics new single Grenade it seems like this is one band who might finally understand how to get electro rock right. With powerful riffs complimented by a striking synth line these guys are simply a lot of fun to listen to. Their punchy sound grabs my ears in a way that few (if any) other bands in their genre really can. A product of excellent songwriting and some quite clearly top notch musicians the way this band plays with dynamics is exciting and engaging. It puts the band in a class with other genre elites like Muse or even Imagine Dragons. In short, if you're looking for an exciting new band who seem to understand how to create some engaging electronic rock then search no more and let Tenth Electric melt your face off.
Listen to them on Facebook!
Excellent gig so professional and Grenade is so NOW. Just hope someone signs them up soon they have so much to share in talent and gigs