India has rapidly become a hotbed for vicious and majestic black metal. No other nation is consistently producing as many top notch acts. They are willing to push boundaries, question norms, and generally make things more interesting and exciting for the rest of us. The Mumbai natives of Cosmic Infusion are on exception and their debut EP, appropriately titled, Cosmic Infusion is five tracks of wonderful Indian black metal magic, bombastic in delivery and extremely tight in songwriting style and general approach. This is black metal for the 21st century.
One of the key aspects that goes into this record is the stunning keyboard lines. They are what provide the heavy metal might to the album. The tracks are deeply impacted by this use of keys as it turns the entire thing into a sort of Indian Dimmu Borgir. But don't think these guys are just clones, their are clear elements of bands like Bathory in the sound, especially in some of the more high flying guitar solos. I especially like the playing on the introduction of the first track Acronycal Eloge it represents the kind of songwriting brilliance that makes this group so great. One note, the growls are actually rather death metally at times, giving a unique twist onto Cosmic Infusions already distinct sound.
To finish, Cosmic Infusion have created something special with this latest release and it shows the potential they have to become one of the greatest bands in one of the fastest rising scenes in the world. I simply love debut EP and it shows all of the magic of their music. In short, Cosmic Infusion have the potential to create something special, moreso than they have already done. This is one of the groups who will make sure black metal will never die and I salute them for that. THIS IS BLACK METAL YOU SCUMBAGS, so come forth and worship at the unholy throne of Cosmic Infusion.
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¨India has rapidly become a hotbed for vicious and majestic black metal. No other nation is consistently producing as many top notch acts¨ Definitely not true!