I'll be the first to acknowledge that experimental grindcore is maybe not the easiest genre to get in too. See, these guys mix in a variety of strangely progressive elements into a sound that is blunt and in your face, the kind of music that tears the listener to shreds through sheer brutality. Yet, for a group who pay tribute to 50 Cent, Aphex Twin, and Dream Theater the sound is surprisingly homogeneous. That is to say, Landfish have a clear musical direction, acoustic breaks et al. See, this band knows that they want to create some of the most brutal music every, but they also give the listener pauses where one can revel in the sheer musicianship and songwriting skill. This bands ideas are fresh and innovative bringing new life to a genre that has for too long stagnated. Sure their sound may not be very accessible at first but once you open your heart and really get into it I think that many a fan could dig the music of Landfish. With two releases under their collective belt already I can't wait to see what these guys bring to the table next!
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