Not a lot of death metal bands can claim to have been around for parts of three decades, and those that can, well, they have something special behind them, a sort of brooding hatred that gives them the rage to march on forever. Lie in Ruins clearly have this rage and their new record Toward Divine Death is a stellar example of an old school death metal band who understand what it is to make music in this decade. Roaring with a hatred that can not be stifled and a blazing antediluvian might (That actually reminds me a bit of Antediluvian) this is what death metal is supposed to be.
Now, some might say that this record runs on for too long, (Toward Divine Death is a bit more than 70 minutes long) but I feel like its just the right length really. See, Lie In Ruins have some pretty complex ideas to develop and I don't think that a shorter release would have really given them the freedom they needed. So, sure, not a single track is under five minutes and most are over seven, but for this particular brand of death metal, this is a must, if Lie In Ruins did not have the privilege of giving their ideas the depth and power they deserve then this record would suck. So, for those of you who are shy of longer releases, embrace this one at least, it really deserves it.
The breadth of this release is impressive and from the bleak introduction of Endless Void to the simply beautiful conclusion in Of Darkness and Blackened Fire Lie In Ruins bring the rage in a way few others can. So let your hair down and watch it fly, Lie In Ruins are creating progressive death metal of a sort that few of their contemporaries have the courage to really embrace. Thick and destructive their are many layers to the sound and Toward Divine Death begs for multiple listens. This may not be for the faint of heart, but those who dig in are sure to find a feast for the ears!
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