It's hard to believe that Motherships full length debut was only last year. In an incredibly short time they've lined up all sorts of cool tours and have taken the world by storm. Now as they sit back, having just finished their second record, the masterful Mothership II I feel obliged to take a moment and honor the glory of their travails. With epic jam sections and powerful grooves, Mothership have built on the firm musical basis of their first record and proved that they can truly ratchet things up to the next level. This is no sophomore slump, this is another step towards the throne.
You'd think that a record that features so much jamming might be hard to really get in too, but in fact, it just gets at the soul of the band. When the vocals do come in they are proud and oftentimes triumphant. They give a sense of rock and roll grit. While it would be cool to hear the band pounding forward, this more laid back approach is fun too, and actually feels more true to the spirit of what Mothership is all about. The crunchy riffs and pentatonic solos slot together nicely and work out wonderfully in a live setting ( I had the pleasure of seeing this band in late September) These grooves are of the sort that many would say are worth dying for, so don't deny yourself, let the bottom end desecrate your bones.
Mothership know how to write a goddamn song, and when they want they have a sense of forward motion that is to die for. This band isn't going to stay at just a few thousand facebook fans for long, they are on a rapid upward trajectory that I feel no other rock band going right now can truly match. They've got the world ahead of them and the chops to dominate it. Are Mothership going to live up to their name and be the new Led Zeppelin? Probably not, but they could still be our generations rock and roll saviors, come down to earth just in the nick of time.
Find them on Facebook!
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