I stood out in the rain waiting for my friend to pick me up, cursing the fact that the road my parents live on is impossible to navigate. Being a metal dude on spring break is not without its downsides and certainly can be more than a little frustrating, especially when you're trying to get to a sold out show like this one. Yet in the end, it was all worth it, we got into the venue even though it was sold out and only missed two bands, locals who I've seen a million times anyway. The four bands I did see managed to lift me up from the darkness that defines so much of this age and show a way forward beyond the hate.
I felt a little bad at first watching Scripted Youth because I didn't realize I'm actually friends with 3/5ths of their members. Their set though was ferocious downbeat hardcore that got the pit going. With a wonderful sense of groove and a vicious vocal attack these guys are young and angry, the sort of band who make a tasty accent to any heavy show you'd want to attend. Confident on stage and always ready to tear the crowd apart, these guys are a lot of fun to watch, and as you get in to the oftentimes frightening and destructive joy of the music it's far too easy to get lost in the magic of the band.
Knowing the booker I didn't expect to be confronted with a decimating death metal band next, but Outer Heaven came on and simply killed it. There is a primal brutality found within the Entombed-derived riffs of this band that will get your head banging and body crashing around the pit. Outer Heaven are true death metal maniacs who know what it means to spread eagle an audience. There is a bone grinding sense of terror that accentuates each song, it gives the pieces a sense of belonging in the greater scheme of death metal blasphemy. Outer Heaven are perhaps one of the regions most exciting death metal bands, and watching them crush skulls in the next few months and years will be a true pleasure
When Cult Leader came on there was a clear sense of tension. The punters were hungry for the glorious destruction this band provide. As I watched them rip the stage apart I was shocked at the sense of agony and profound darkness that accents their music. There is something gloriously dark and at times even putrid about their sound. Yet all of this is couched in a larger sense of artistry and in a way poetry. There is a sense that Cult Leader are working towards something greater, a part of a movement that will soon transcend us all. These are dudes who understand the poetry of heavy music and seek to share it with the world, geniuses who have the capacity to be legends and yet still grind it out, endlessly dedicated to the power behind the sound,
I've seen Full Of Hell more times than I can count, but I finally met them, for realsies, last night. Good dudes who make incredible music this is one of the few bands in the East Coast scene who I think will become legendary. Now featuring a saxophonist (Which I hope becomes a full time thing) these guys are out for blood. Spawning incredibly violent pits with their uniquely cerebral take on grindcore, I get the impression that the dudes in Full Of Hell are far more intelligent than anyone gives them credit for. Violent, passionate and exciting, this is a band to watch, and maybe even start to worship.
At the end of the night Cult Leader came and crashed at my place (Infernal hails boys!) and we stayed up late into the night discussing religion, Europe and the nature of heavy music. All four bands I saw seem to have bright futures, and this was the kind of legendary lineup and sold out show that will have people talking for a good long while. Last night united all sorts of people from around the scene, creating something truly inspiring. As Cult Leader and Full Of Hell continue to tour, all I can say is check these bands out, they will change your world. I guarantee it.
Find the bands on Facebook!
Scripted Youth: https://www.facebook.com/scriptedyouthhc
Outer Heaven: https://www.facebook.com/OuterHeavenPA
Cult Leader: https://www.facebook.com/CultLeaderMusic
Full Of Hell: https://www.facebook.com/fullofhell
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