Chuck Schuldiner Project

Friday, May 8, 2015


I for one have kind of been digging how progressive black metal has been getting progressively
weird. It feels like a sort extension on Hector Berlioz or even Stravinsky. Orakle seem to totally get this and their new record Eclats is conceptual, finally crafted and frequently jaw dropping. The dudes in this band are crafting topsy turvy black metal that can't help but capture your imagination and guide you on a weird and inspiring musical journey jam packed with weird guitar fills and poignant moments pointing at vigorous and liberating death. What I'm trying to say is that Orakle know what it means to be masters of black metal, and while their new record was five years in the making it was certainly worth all of it. See, this is a band who break all the rules and are pushing things to brave new extremes. A strange mix of crushing, twisted and majestic Orakle seem destined to shape the future of black metal as we know it.

Find them on Facebook!

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