Chuck Schuldiner Project

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Sacred Monster

So I'll be straight with y'all - I'm not sure I understand the difference between a two song EP and a single at this point. If anybody wants to clarify I'd be much obliged. That being said - Sacred Monster have just put out a hell of a two song EP. With that tasty fucked up vocal style that seems torn straight out of the New Orleans scene Sacred Monster deliver cutting doom that has a very clear sense of momentum. Unafraid to bite the bone Sacred Monster are the kind of gloriously evil heavy metal party that grabs you by the hair and beats you into a wall. Their new record Monster Double Feature conjures up strange demons and crushing riffs all processed through the dynamic bite of some very tasty and crunchy tone. Note quite as heavy as many of their doomy brethren Sacred Monster aren't afraid to bring some old school rock and roll into this jawn, busting skulls and raising hell until the sun rises and casts them back into their desecrated pit. Hitting you in the gut with riff after riff it's hard to say no to the beast.

Find them on Facebook!

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