I'm not usually super into remasters and reissues (Asides from Death reissues - All hail) because a lot of times I feel like there isn't a lot of need for them. That being said - with music as dense as Atheist's tends to be, the more produced it can come across as the better. And that's the thing, Unquestionable Presence always kind of bothered me because I felt like there were a lot of levels I wasn't really able to get at. Yet, with this remaster it feels as if all has been made clear and there is a path forward into understanding this record.
What I'm finally able to understand with Atheist now is how goddamn good they actually were (Are? I'm not entirely sure of the bands current status) The stuff that they were doing on this record is the kind of thing that is only just now being matched by allegedly avant garde bands like Vektor. The way the band rolls in and out of your skull, darting around with an incredible prowess is delightful. Beyond that though you start to hear how Atheist set all sorts of trends that still define the scene, it's fabulously exciting to dig into something like this.
What I'm trying to say is that this remaster is exactly what this record needed. The bonus tracks are merely the icing on the cake and make it easier than ever to truly understand what Atheist were getting at with the brilliant madness that is Unquestionable Presence. If you've heard of the band but have never been able to get into them - there is no better time than now to go back and pick apart what you heard. Atheist changed all of heavy music when they first came out, and now their genre breaking work sounds better than ever.
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OK bring this on! Kelly Shaefer is a GOD