Chuck Schuldiner Project

Monday, August 31, 2015

Unrest/Idolatry - Infection Born Of Ending


I've written at length about the sublime beauty of basement dwelling extreme metal before, but it's splits like this one - between Unrest and Idolatry that really drive the point home for me. This is the kind of record that has all the poor production and noisy madness that made the early day of the genres so great and in a way the primitive crush of Infection Born Of Ending reflects something within all of us that is too rarely touched upon. With this split Unrest and Idolatry touch on an oft-forgot part of our humanity.

The blistering full frontal assault found in each of these bands general approach is a key part of why I love this record so much. Just listening to Unrest grunting their way forward on top of blazing guitar parts on Of Filth is strangely satisfying in a knowingly perverse way. It really get's at some of the core emotions of extreme metal and what makes it so inherently delightful. Meanwhile, Idolatry - who at first seem to belay a more 'together' sound on Clefs au Chambre de Tristesse rapidly descend into madness and reflect the ultimate glory of black metal slaughter in their own way. The blazing guitars and burbling vocals seem torn from a darker time and it should never be ignored.

Extreme metal will never die precisely because of splits like these,dedicated dues banging out elaborate and terrifying music with scarcely a thought for their audience - and that's part of what makes it rad. The anti-materialistic and gloriously satanic attack of these bands is strangely satisfying and leaves me wanting more. Infection Born Of Ending is the perfect record to restore flagging faith in the underground, or simply to affirm what you held to be true, and with only a hundred copies going to print - you better get one fast!

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Order one here! 

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