A band who bring a variety of elements that dominate the modern metal scene into a friendly and palatable whole. Reminiscent of Swans or perhaps even Baroness the chaotic magic of Bloodiest is weirdly addictive and speaks to the enduring power of the music. The riffing is distinctive and hearing the gently reassuring roar of the bass guitar becomes a key aspect as to hat makes this album so god damn good. The tracks use these elements to flow together and make Bloodiest a circular listening experience that you can come back to again and again.
Beyond this though the quasi shouted vocals and angular riffing come together to evidence a sort of subliminal beauty to Bloodiest. As the distorted madness of this record slowly swims into focus you find yourself privy to dark truths you never before thought possible. You dig in to the more profound side of the human condition and the bleakness therein. It becomes easier to understand what Bloodiest are really achieving with their highly cerebral and groove heavy brand of music. This record is on Relapse for a reason, despite how good the musicians are there is something wonderfully esoteric about it that might alienate a lot of fans.
That being said - I can't help but love this record with its rich compositions and artfully crafted soundworlds it's hard not to fall in love with what Bloodiest are doing. This is a band who push the frontiers of what metal can be yet never come off as overtly abrasive or twisted but rather elegant and finely crafted. Bloodiest know what it means to refine a great metal record and they have the potential to grow their beast of a sound into something truly mythical, this is certainly a debut for the ages.
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