Chuck Schuldiner Project

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Beelzefuzz - The Righteous Bloom

Beelzefuzz are one of those bands that I always think are way bigger than yet actually are. Part of this is because they are goddamn amazing and part of it is because their name already suggests a degree of greatness. Their latest offering The Righteous Bloom is eleven tracks of righteous stoner doom that plays to the strengths of the genre, and while it doesn't necessarily set any new standard for what stoner metal can be, it certainly makes for an engaging and distinct listen that will keep you coming back.

The Righteous Bloom is actually a rather addictive listen. Beelzefuzz have a sort of tripped out aesthetic that is wholly their own and it is surprisingly fun to dive into it and enjoy all that it stand for. Even though The Righteous Bloom totally plays into more traditional stereotypes of what stoner metal can be it's hard not to fall in love with their chilled out vibes. The half shouted/half sung vocals are a high point - they bring a strangely earthy magic to the table an help to cement the bands place as chilled out intergalactic space warriors. The Righteous Bloom is a reassuring listen and one that all but forces you to keep coming back.

With this record Beelzefuzz have distilled the power of stoner doom into just a few tracks and give you something to sit back and chill out too. The Righteous Bloom is a monster of an album, a record that encourages you to taste the forbidden fruit again and again and which speaks to the fundamental magic of heavy metal music. The Righteous Bloom is a stone cold stunner. It shows an understanding of the genre that far exceeds the bands peers and nails the hammer back into your flesh time after glorious time.

Find them on Facebook!

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