So I gotta say - I freakin' love how many splits Cloud Rat has put out in the last year. The best part is that most of them are extremely different one from the other and it makes for some of the most interesting output to date. At the same time, they always seem to discover sick new bands or collaborate with potent scene stalwarts meaning that every split that they put out can't help but to be a new fascinating look into the state of underground music today and what this whole thing means for us.
So Cloud Rat's side of the split is one massive eighteen minute long track entitled "Holding The Picture" a perfect example of all that they have been able to create wilst simultaneously breaking every previous musical boundary that once limited the band. It's just as bizarre and ambitious as we've come to expect from this band and reminds us of their basement dwelling glory. Disrotted meanwhile come at you with a twenty three minute masterwork of their own that utterly smashes in skulls and forces you to revel in their twisted and evil majesty. The crushing chords and terrifying grunts remind us of our own frail humanity.
It's easy to get lost in the cavernous soundscapes of this record, the monolithic crush, the hyper speed blasts and the potent prodution which, on both sides simultaneously reflects the power of basement level undergound music and the inherent appeal of massive boards in great studios. This is a record that shows us both the heart of the scene and its dream. Cloud Rat and Disrotted are bands that understand where we come from but also where we are going and that's what makes this split truly special.
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