There is something inherently magical about a new Wolves In The Throne Room release. This is a band who have come to define their scene. A band who have come to craft a bold new vision of what it means to be play black metal their influence cannot be overstated. They are perhaps the group who helped to shape the third wave of black metal into what it is today. Half of these new bands wouldn't exist without the influence of Wolves In The Throne Room and Thrice Woven is perhaps their strongest and most inspirational musical statement to date.
It's been three long years since the release of the rather left field Celestite and now Wolves In The Throne Room are back with a vengeance. There is a very real intensity to what the band is doing here, something fanatically mesmerizing about their songwriting and a deep intensity to the progressions. Thrice Woven waves triumphant through all five tracks, the statement from a band who even though they have become legends in their own lifetimes still deal with the struggles of this world. Despite any elements of well merited swagger that might creep into the bands music, one still gets a sense that they are tormented, and this devastation guides us all forward. One need look no further than the tearjerking bridge of Born From The Serpents Eye to realize there is quite a bit to unpack here.
This is the sort of record that you can get lost in time and time again. It's an album that demands multiple listens and one which I've had on repeat all day. It's rare that you get a black metal band sounding this goddamn angry these days, and balancing that so well with a grander vision, and it never happens in the unique way that Wolves In The Throne Room do. While there certainly are artsier passages throughout, this is one of the bands angriest releases to date. With top notch production and mesmerizing swirls of sound crashing over your head, it's impossible to escape the glory of Thrice Woven.
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