Chuck Schuldiner Project

Friday, September 7, 2018

Esoctrilihum - Inhuma

OK but seriously holy shit, I think I found the death metal album of the year you guys. Not only that, but Inhuma is Esoctrilihum's third record in eighteen months, and they are all fucking good. The thing is Inhuma s by far the best and it is also the one which seems to most eagerly push boundaries. There is something crazy and borderline terrifying about what the band has conjured up with this record and it makes for a record that you aren't going to soon forget or want to put down. Vicious, but also thoughtful, this is a masterwork.

Coming out swinging with a pair of the most vile blackened death metal tracks I've heard in a long time, Inhuma isn't just a full on assault on the senses. Rather there are tasteful moments that counterbalance the madness. There are moments of poetic majesty, and the use of the violin, a new element in the Lovecraftian hell crafted by the band, serves to add a very real sense of depth. It's hard not to be mesmerized by what Esoctrilihum have done here. The wall of sound approach and balls out punishment the band brings to the table speaks to something far greater and almost transcendental that we aren't going to soon forget. It's not an easy record to get into, but it's one that is going to fascinate the devout.

There are so many moments on this record where the sheer intensity leaves me simply saying "Holy shit". Normally with death metal albums where the 'in your face' aspect is a factor you are impressed with the first few songs and then it tapers off. Not here. Here the balance is so well crafted and the moments of psychedelia are so perfectly set up as counterpoint that you find yourself embracing the pummeling assault. This record represents a step forward for the genre and shows that there are so many insane places death metal has yet to go. Check it.

Find them on Facebook!

1 comment:

  1. Merci de partager une si belle information. Dernièrement, je surfais sur le Web pour le même genre de nouvelles et je l'ai trouvé ici
