The promo text promised classic Finnish black metal and what we got was classic Finnish black metal. Coraxul are a masterful new band emerging from, yes, Finland, and their new record, Vihavirsiä Aamunkoin is a stunner any way you slice it. This is black metal done right, with a sense of bombast but also a deep dedication to the folklore of Finlands past as well as the shared understanding that Coraxul are driving towards something greater with their debut record, an album that really leans into so many classic tropes of a triumphant genre.
Vihavirsiä Aamunkoin is a thrilling record because of its ability to lean into so many classic elements of the genre and find an expansive vista of sounds to explore even within some tightly structured sonic ideas. The band has crafted something that is full of Satan worship, Finnish folklore and admiration for nature. It's the sort of album that you put on during a snowstorm and allow yourself to get fully immersed in, as you fall in love with the unique soundworlds that Coraxul paint and their ability to help us see exactly what makes Finnish black metal such a compelling art form even thirty years into its creation.
Coraxul have crafted something delicious here and for fans of classic Finnish black metal few records are going to wind up being more compelling this year. Vihavirsiä Aamunkoin is a record that taps into so many things that make this genre wonderful and it's a delight to really experience a band who deeply understand it crafting music that understands this and which will encourage listeners to dive ever deeper into the scene. Press play and enjoy the darkness, it's a vivid and blasphemous world that we all deserve to explore.
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