Chuck Schuldiner Project

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Lamp of Murmuur - Saturnian Bloodstorm


Lamp of Murmuur is back with their third full length, the fiery and impregnable Saturnian Bloodstorm. This is an absolute crusher of an album, a record that builds on the bands longstanding reputation and which is sue to entrance fans of USBM as they sally once more into the breach. This is black metal done right, with a sense of bombast and grandiose imagery, but a healthy respect for the stripped down roots of the genre, and this projects past. It makes for a compelling all around offering sure to keep fans on the edge of their seats. 

The performances on this record are remarkably colorful, especially the drum work. These are songs that really lean into a larger than life sense of darkness and the unrelenting assault that fuels them makes for incredibly compelling and rewarding listening. There is a depth to this work that is wholly undeniable. The new album is some of their most impressive work yet, with compositions that are clearly a head and shoulders above anything that has come before. The use of synths on the album is immaculate, culminating in the title track which is also the album closer. It helps makes the listeners journey feel complete. 

I won't lie. I wasn't in love with this bands previous work. I thought it was good but I never understood the depth of the hype. This latest offering sees them driving to new heights though and unveiling layers that I wasn't ready for them to tap into. This is a record that I think brings Lamp of Murmuur to a whole new level and speaks to the work the bands mastermind "M." has been putting in non stop over the past few years in order to unleash some of the sickest black metal the world has heard in recent years. Immerse yourself in this because I feel like this is just the beginning.

Pre-order the album!

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