Chuck Schuldiner Project

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Outergods - A Kingdom Built Upon The Wreckage Of Heaven


Is it just me or has Prosthetic Records been seriously killing it with the death metal signings of late? Their latest addition to the pantheon is Outergods, whose new album, A Kingdom Built Upon The Wreckage Of Heaven is an absolute rager, a record that has all sorts of old school death metal nihilism paired with blisteringly fast rhythms and some wonderfully grim vibes. Outergods have determine a very specific aesthetic here, fusing dark fantasy with pure death metal violence and the end result is an album that will leave you gasping for air. 

The band describes this record as 'feral' and I think they're not far off the mark. These Nottingham, UK based death dealers seem to revel in unveiling consistently extreme remonstrances, indulging in 90s death metal tropes and modern production. Toss in the creepy intros and dark atmospheres and you get a sense for just how sinister Outergods can be at their very best. A Kingdom Built Upon The Wreckage Of Heaven thrills for that - it's a remarkably mature outpouring and one that uses its own inner turbulence to keep listeners enthralled with the abrasive visions that they so eagerly unleash upon the fragile, scattered masses. 

A Kingdom Built Upon The Wreckage Of Heaven crushes. Simple as that. It's a record that doesn't reinvent the steal but that's because it doesn't have too. Instead it's a record that takes a song title like "Flesh Prison" and cracks down with sounds that are exactly reflective of what you would like from a song called "Flesh Prison". Is that reductionist? Probably, but Outergods are built on being over the top and skull cracking. This isn't a subtle album, it's an album that leaves you gasping for air. So listen up, this is what nightmares are made of. 

Pre-order the album!

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