Chuck Schuldiner Project

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Mugshot - Cold Will


Mugshot have been making some waves in the hardcore scene in the last few years and their latest offering, Cold Will is coming out beginning of November and I can assure you this EP is a monster. The frenetic playing, two stepping riffs and impressive mix come together for a sound that is inspiring to say the least. It's hard not to be thrilled with the high level destruction that Mugshot bring to the table on Cold Will. This is modern hardcore done right, with clear ambition and a deep understanding of what this genre was supposed to be about in the first place. 

Cold Will very much sees Mugshot leaning into more modern hardcore tropes reminiscent of 156/Silence and Knocked Loose. That being said the band has retained a classic feel with a clear emphasis on two stepping. There is a marked increase in the quality of songwriting throughout Cold Will. The months of relentless touring have helped to put Mugshot on a higher level and it seems like there's no turning back now for these modern day masters of the genre. Pre-order a copy of this one, Mugshot are going places, you don't want to miss out. 

Pre-order the album!

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