Chuck Schuldiner Project

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lasquailles Shroud

Todays first reviews is for a band called Lascailles Shroud. They have quickly become one of my favorite Prog (Melo?) death bands. They have an incredibly varied sound, even for a prog death band. For example one of their songs (The Orion Within) has a really great stoner metal type section. Then other songs have some insane riffage that just blows your head off. The guitar work is incredibly the dual guitars create crunching powerful riffs that do not cease to amaze me. In addition to pounding riffs there are some pretty sick solos that never fail to impress me. They often rely on tapping or sweep picking and are frequently EXTREMELY melodic. The bass is solid and does a good job as a death metal bass, it is used pretty well. The drums in this band are really incredible. They are usually original and occasionally experiment with sound effects rarely heard on death metal records. Overall the instrumental section of this group is very impressive and very creative. The vocals are also very good, they have a feel to them that seems to resonate a dark and deep evil. In addition the lyrics are reasonably good, they are typically very dark and often cover fantasy or sci-fi topics. All in all this is a killer band with a sound that I strongly recommend you to check out. They have chunky riffage, wicked solos, a solid bass, and mind boggling drums. This band clearly has the talent to get signed and if they do they could easily become one of the greats.
OVERALL 9.5/10

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