Chuck Schuldiner Project

Monday, December 19, 2011


Mordenom is a death metal band from Slovenia featuring down tuned guitars guttural vocals and a really good bassist. The guitar work on their record is very solid and the solo on Synopsis is exceptional. In general the level of composition for the pieces on this disc is very high, and for me it is one of the most impressive things about Mordenom. The riffs themselves are really well done and Mordenom can count itself as one of the few death metal bands (not melodeath that's different) that has riffs that I actually like. The bass work on this record is exceptional. There are a lot more bass fills that on typical releases and I find that very impressive. The drum work is very aggressive and while the crazy attack on the toms is maybe not the most original thing the hatred put into it allows for lots of headbanging and horn waving. The vocals are very deep and better than most. Personally I prefer when the growls are lower because it helps make the music more brutal, and Mordenom succeeds in making very brutal music. All in all Mordenom is a great band with an extremely heavy sound. Go give them a like on facebook!
OVERALL 9.5/10

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