Chuck Schuldiner Project

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Forward Shapes

Forward Shapes is a brilliant Prog Act, from the internet, yes, from the internet. Their album is stellar and shows off some brilliant music. With a few rising stars (most notably Marco Minneman) this band could very well be the next big thing. The guitar work on this record is stellar with some tasty performances that put out some great Dream Theater type riffs. The solos are also excellent and show the level of genius of Andrei the guitarist. The bass work is pretty solid and it really pushes the music forward on songs like Never Forget. The drums are brilliant, Marco Minneman is one of my favorite drummers in the world and it is a joy to get to hear him on this record. He proves his genius yet again and has made me fall even more deeply in love with his work. The keyboard work is also pretty good and gets a lot of wonderful Haken styled melodies into the music. Finally we have the vocals, which are excellent. The singer of this group has a beautiful voice that makes her, in my mind, a female James Labrie. So, if you're looking for some killer prog, come check out this band.

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