Animals and Shapes is on the opposite end of the spectrum from the last band I reviewed, yet they too are pretty darn good. With a broad and open sounding mix that allows for them to have a very full sound Animals and Shapes is a lot of fun. I'm really fond of how big everything sounds, yet never intimidating. Whoever mixed this did a truly brilliant job. Meanwhile the use of guitar is really cool. I like the almost constant solos. While usually not too technical they add a lot of flavor that other bands lack. Meanwhile the bass playing is pretty solid and adds a nice bottom end to the songs. Along with the drums they create a stellar rhythm section. I would just like to point out that the drumming features a lot of really tasty fills and almost drum n bass type rhythms. Finally the vocals are sweet and powerful. They show a guy who actually knows how to sing and let him dominate the songs. He makes the band sound very professional and really just ready to explode. In conclusion, Animals and Shapes is a nifty rock band that most fans of the genre would like.
great review!