Hard hitting stoner rock is hard to
come by in this day and age. Clutch seems to dominate the genre and
few other bands really create music on their level. Fortunately
Grande can. With a heavy blasting hard rock sound filled with the
groovy riffage of Pantera Grande are a tasty band with a flair for
everything that is rock and roll. Turned up to 11 and filled with a
crazed rock and roll energy Grande is a ferocious force in the
fantastic world of trve rock who will not be denied, they seem almost
destined for greatness.
I love the raw groove that the music
embodies. It pushes forward with an almost sludge metal level of
destruction. It has tons of vicious rhythm parts that get your head
banging. These are nicely contrasted by crazed solos on songs like
Souldier which reek of rock and roll. Some of the heavier riffs
remind me quite a bit of Kvelertak. A couple of the songs have a bit
more of an old school or even vest metal feel to them. A good portion
of the tracks rely on powerful bluesy licks to allow the music to
bust forward with a Black Sabbath like level of destruction.
In conclusion, this is a pvre rock and
roll record for all the hard rockers out their. Filled with groovy
riffs and an old school mentality there is not a lot of bad stuff to
be said about this band. They drive forward with a hectic certainty
that is rarely found on the modern scene. Go for the throat and
pumped up with energy Grandes eponymous debut is a powerful chunk of
heavy rock and roll that will not have its place in the pantheon of
Chuck Berry denied.
Find them on Facebook!
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