A destructive stoner rock band from Bruzzelle Italy Zolle have a powerful riff oriented sound that comes forth and drives into the listeners soul. Their self titled debut Zolle is an impressive set of 10 tracks that reek of heavy Sleep infused riffs and laid back solos. These tracks really reach out and move me, the riffs are simple enough yet they manage to stay interesting for the entirety of the album. Their is always somethign new to explore on Zolle and its certainly worth many a listen. A miracle of strong songwriting this is one of the most interesting instrumental records I've heard in a long while.
The songwriting has a vaguely progressive nature which is strange given that the majority of the songs are all fairly short (Except of course the ultimate track, Moongitruce). This means that while the jams all have a logical development and then climax they also never get boring, they flow nicely and fully engage the listener for the albums entirety. Yet I feel like the band should continue more with the progressive ideas found on Moongitruce, while the other songs are cool and interesting Moongitruce is distinctly special. This band has the potential, but with more longer tracks they could become something great.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a fresh new stoner rock band who provide an interesting edge to instrumental music that has only really been addressed by bands like Abysse in the past then Zolle is the band for you. Their debut record Zolle is a ferocious release and it should appeal to many a metal fan, from lovers of more standard hard rock to fans of pvre doom metal. A fascinating and multilayered release that shows off some tasty songwriting and sick jams Zolle clearly have the capacity to go on to create a truly incredible and scene shifting release.
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