Regular readers know that I review a
lot of grim stuff on this blog, just because thats the kind of thing
I normally dig. Yet deep within my heart I still maintain a love for
the power metal that originally brought me into this crazy world of
mosh pits and headbanging. Yet rarely is their a new power metal
record that brings me back to the age of 13 and to that initial joy,
even among the legions of identical power metal bands on Nuclear
Blast nothing inspires me anymore. That is what makes Darktribes
debut release Mysticeti Victoria so
special, it shines as an eleven track shred fest that will make any
jaded metal nerd crack a smile.
The thing about
this record is that it has all of the elements of a great power metal
record and then executes them almost perfectly. There are melodic
keyboard parts, incredible guitar lines and moody acoustic parts,
what more could a power metal geek ask for? The bands singer is
incredible too, his voice soars and floats on angels wings, a sort of
god of the vocal chords he provides the icing on the cake for a very
solid power metal band. Together all of these elements, the super
technical guitar parts, the pounding bass lines, aggressive drums and
high flying vocals unite to give us one of the best power metal
releases of the year, something that really captures our hearts.
sum, this is a power metal record for the power metaller, glorious,
fun and light hearted there is a lot to love here. While there are
places the band could improve (For example even bigger choruses and
other sing a long parts might increase audience participation and add
flavor) Mysticeti Victoria
is quite possibly the best power metal debut since Hammerfall, it's
seriously that good. In addition, the band supports the Sea Sheperd
Foundation, an organization that helps to protect whales, so by
purchasing this record you're helping a great cause. So, if you're
looking for a way to kick off your week in a storm of power metal
magic then this is the album for you!
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