Chuck Schuldiner Project

Friday, August 23, 2013

Agony Voices


Agony Voices is a downbeat and dark doom death metal band from Brazil. (Oh Brazilian metal scene, how do I love thee) Rather than going for sonic aggression (Which the band proves they are more than capable of) Agony Voices embrace a slow and crushing trudge through heavy tracks that pulverize your skull with their oh so heavy bass lines and sludge metal inspired riffs. A more progressive side is revealed to the band on tracks like Mistake in Life which show some of the bands best songwriting and the sheer musical craftmanship of the band members. While the songs may be slow and dark there is still a certain hope to be found in this groups sound. It inches along, occasionally forced forward by a group of blast beats. Some of the more epic melodies help to add a lot of flavor to the music and reveal that ultimately it seems like Agony Voices have a message of hope, reaching out to the world and healing us of our wrongs.

Find them on Facebook!

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