Okay, now here is something that I've really never heard before, an Indian solo musician who is completely unrestricted in his work Akatsuki does a bit of everything, and then some. A group who have both occult black metal pieces and heady blues tracks Akatsuki are not afraid to do things in their own unique way, and in fact, they seem kind of proud of it. The variety of sounds represented in their music is impressive and the way that their never ending flows of sound are triumphant and beautiful. There is a strange magic to the works of Akatsuki, no other band I have ever heard has had this hodgepodge of genres. Sure it doesn't always flow perfectly, but that is a key part of the strange disjointed magic of this bands music. One interesting thing to note is that these guys are from India, and there is clearly some influence from their nations traditional music. It further helps to make Akatsuki exotic and beautiful, wholly unique and great at all that they do. Capable of doing everything, and then some I would like to hear more from Akatsuki. These guys are clearly talented musicians with diverse songwritings and with a little bit more artistic direction they could go very far indeed.
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