Hell Rules Heaven were the first up and their set was even better than their recently released album. Sure they didn't have a lot of people in front of them but they gave it their all and the music was powerful and touching. It gave me a new level of respect for these guys, their delivery is unique and fun. This was their first Paris date and they didn't have a lot of hometown support. I feel like if they had more fans on their side things would have been even better. As is though I feel like a lot of people very much enjoyed their set and got off with their music. Hell Rules Heaven definitely know how to execute live and I hope that they play in Paris again soon!
Tess came on next, I didn't know them before tonight but they just blew me away. The thing is with these guys is that they put on a show that is almost reminiscent of French metal legends L'esprit Du Clan. While they may not have two vocalists they have the same saturated and destructive hardcore inflected approach to death metal that makes L'esprit Du Clan great. Their music is brutal and meaningful, they are making an artistic statement and want you to be a part of it. Tess is the kind of band who capture the heart with an approach that shows they are putting themselves on the line for their music. Their raw energy is potent and certainly left the audience begging for more heavy metal action.
The last band whose set I watched in full was Magoa and by Thor can these men deliver live. Their music doesn't really fit into any genre, but it certainly is some sort of modern metal. Playing songs mostly from their new release Topsy Turvydom as well as some older classics they certainly got the crowd moving. It was clear most people had come for them, they executed their music brilliantly, playing to the crowd a well rehearsed stage show that showcased a band who mastered their craft. Magoa know how to connect they know how to get people off and how to make sure the music doesn't die. Violent and inflected with a rock and roll energy that their record doesn't have they were a lot of fun to see and kept heads banging the whole way through!
In closing, I had a wonderful night at Le Divan Du Monde with some good friends, great music, and stellar stage shows. All three bands impressed me with their sound. Especially the much anticipated (For me at least) Hell Rules Heaven and Magoa. Tess were a nice surprise and I definitely will be checking out more of their music in the future, French Hardcore is best hardcore and all that. So I leave you with this, Magoa are one of the most triumphant live bands in recent memory and the way they took the stage with a swagger showed they were ready to ascend the throne. Here are some of the kings of French metal, now is the world ready?
Find the bands on Facebook!
Hell Rules Heaven: https://www.facebook.com/HellRulesHeaven?ref=ts&fref=ts
Et Darkness Dynamite?