What, more Ecuadorian metal madness? These guys know how to bring the mosh! Undeniably catchy, explosive, and lots of fun to listen too, Vultur Gryphus bring a vicious and unrepentant brand of grind to the table with gore inflected lyrics and a wonderful sense of fun. These guys lyrics are brutal and dark, (but in Spanish, so unfortunately I don't get everything) but they are clearly tongue in cheek. I mean, this is the kind of grind that showcases the musicians and the songwriting and proves that gory music can actually be a lot of fun. The variety of vocal styles found in this bands music only adds to the crazed rock and roll madness that they so clearly embody. These tracks show all of the madness of grind but with a happy go lucky attitude that you just have to respect. Unafraid to get brutal, but also unashamed to have a go at their contemporaries Vultur Gryphus seem to be metal legends in the making. I am excited to hear more from these guys and with their full length, you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll hurl, and maybe even your head will get ripped off.
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Great fucking band!!!!