What? More Indian metal reviewed? Get used to it folks, this scene is exploding fast. Today I bring you Systemhouse33 and their new record Depths of Despair. A band who have been around since 2003 (Can you believe that's 11 years ago?) these guys have crafted a unique sort of industrial thrash metal that is at once reminiscent of Meshuggah as well as more wicked death metal bands. I can honestly say that Systemhouse33 have put out something almost entirely unique on this record, the sort of thing that fuses genres and styles in a unique and beautiful way.
The coolest aspect of this record is the unique guitar style. The way the riffs are constructed is not of this earth. Instead their is a sort of power and glory at hand here that no other Indian band (or international group for that matter) can really compare too. Add in an abrasive and unapologetic vocal style and you see that things really start to go through the roof. Their is something oddly fascinating about this band, the way that they approach music seems... different from any of their contemporaries. It means that even though Depths of Despair is a paltry seven songs at a mere twenty two minutes it somehow transcends all of that and becomes something more.
In other words, Systemhouse33 certainly aren't your typical Indian thrash metal band (If there is such a thing) Instead, these guys are ripping out heavy tunes that don't follow the rules. That crash forward with a reckless abandon that shows a wonderful dedication to the genres roots. At the same time their unique ideas push them into the realm of neo-thrash and showcase a new direction for one of metals most storied genres to go. So thrashers across the globe, turn Depths of Despair up and let it take you off to a strange new dimension where metal reigns supreme.
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