Crushing and powerful, We Hunt Buffalo is some of the rawest and darkest stoner rock I've heard in a good long while. Their new EP Blood from a Stone is four songs of slow and oppressive metal madness. This is the sort of record whose magic far exceeds the relatively short nineteen minute run time of the record. There is a lot going on here as this trio drone forward, step by screaming step. Mixed with elements of doom and more extreme genres Blood from a Stone is an album that grabs you by the hair, drags you out back, and mutilates your screaming body.
Blood from a Stone finds its true might in the massive bottom end. The sludgy throne that We Hunt Buffalo have built up for themselves is impressive to say the least. Roaring out of the swampiest parts of the stoner metal palette some of the riffs found on this record are incredibly addictive. The Sabbath worship is clear and showcases the incredible magic of this band. One of the defining aspects of the We Hunt Buffalo sound is the use of synthesizers to further emphasize the incredible fuzz from Blood from a Stone. All in all, this is the sort of stoner bomb that will leave fans lying in a daze.
To finish, if you want a record that is ready to tear you apart limb from limb in the slowest and most mind bending way possible then Blood from a Stone is for you. These guys have already won some fairly major competitions in their city of Vancouver and seem to be ready to climb to the next level. If these guys keep putting out material as grimy, trudging and simply good as this latest EP is then they certainly deserve any success they attain. With a full length record I am willing to be that We Hunt Buffalo will truly take the stoner metal world by storm.
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