When I saw Benighted live back in October opening for Napalm Death I realized something very important about the band. Even though I might not be a huge fan of pig squeals in brutal death metal, Benighted have the power, energy, and raw evil to pull it off with aplomb. Their new record Carnivore Sublime is a perfect example of this. With eleven tracks of raging and destructive death metal brilliance, Benighted are proving that they are lords of destruction. Not a lot of bands channel sheer rage with as much aplomb as Benighted do. Gory and triumphant, this is not metal for the light of heart.
It is interesting to note that the Carnivore Sublime not only makes superior use of pig squeals, but it showcases a variety of growling styles. The come together to create something that is varied and exciting, there are a lot of dynamic layers going on here, showcasing the magic of Benighted. The way that they are mixed on songs like Jekyll shows a shocking and tasty dynamic. Meanwhile, the vicious guitar riffs are a great example of how perfectly vicious Benighted can be. There is a really explosive attack on display here. Benighted have a huge bottom end and it allows them to decapitate all posers who wander too close. The blazing speed and unforgiving brutality of Benighted makes Carnivore Sublime the kind of record that can crack skulls across the globe.
Season of Mist have put out yet another top notch release with these manic deathgrind gods and lovers of extreme music across the globe should recognize this. Benighted have the capability to say more with 11 songs than some gore metal bands can do in an entire discography. The antediluvian might and raging, beastlike power behind Carnivore Sublime is simply impossible to fully comprehend. With their 7th album Benighted have outdone themselves proving they still have the power, brutality, and sheer hatred that it takes to be at the top of their game.
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