Chuck Schuldiner Project

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Igniis Fatuu-Unendlich viele Wege

Igniis Fatuu is much more than meets the eye. At first glance, given the art of their new record, Unendlich viele Wege Ignis Fatuu appears to be some sort of atavistic black metal band. Then you turn it on and discover that Ignis Fatuu is much more than that. They play a sort of powerful and unique folk rock that brings in elements of punk, folk metal and more to get a sound that is varied and distinct, the sort of thing that few groups can really get at. With a lot of unique ideas, cool combinations of concepts, and a dedication to their craft that few bands can match.

See, with Unendlich viele Wege Igniis Fatuu have created something that calls forth the undying power of their pagan forefathers. Their is an ancient and crushing might here that not a lot of bands can really get at. Igniis Fatuu understand the music and glory of their forefathers and seek to bring forth a sound that many will imitate but few can perfect. Ignis Fatuu have a wealth of new ideas taken from putting new wine in old bottles. One of the coolest aspects of the sound is the way that the band mixes male and female vocals to get lines that reach out and touch the soul with an impressive and oftentimes heartwrenching beauty, music that gets at the spirit of folk music with all of rock and rolls anarchy.

This band has an impressive sense of melody and fuses concepts in a way that not enough bands do. While the overarching highlight may be the mix of male and female vocals there are a lot of other things to love about Unendlich viele Wege. Excellent songwriters and passionate musicians, this German sextet are reshaping the rules of what folk rock can be and I get the sense they will emerge triumphant. So prepare yourself for the kind of record that comes but rarely, here to permanently change a genre, let's hope that Igniis Fatuu get the traction they deserve!

Find them on Facebook!

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