Chuck Schuldiner Project

Friday, June 6, 2014

Kaine-The Waystone

For years people have been saying British heavy metal is dead and all these revival bands just sound tired out and dull. Well now we have Kaine and we can be assured that heavy metal will never die. An exciting act who bring a modern touch to a New Wave of British Heavy Metal chassis. These guys know how to craft top notch metal songs with crazed harmonies, powerful choruses, and riffs that simply fill you with energy. This is the sort of heavy metal that the world needs more of, the thing that leads to ascension, redemption, and ultimately freedom.

The Waystone is the sort of release that shrieks of British steel, and not just the Judas Priest album, but more something distinctly English. Their is a vein running through Kaine's music that they share with bands like Iron Maiden and Saxon, it's seriously that good. Compositionally, The Waystone is a very impressive record, it brings in a myriad of ideas into something fresh and new. This fusion of old and new is found right off the bat with Iron Lady. Epic bass riffs intertwine with melodic guitarmonies too craft something that hits you right in the gut. Modern death metal is great and all, but there will always be something to be said for guys who can really just come out, rock hard and ride free.

If you've been looking for the sort of heavy metal record that will bring you back to what you love about the genres roots search no more. Spin The Waystone after having listened to Priest and Maiden for all day and it will fit right in. Yet Kaine bring their own unique elements to the mix and keep it fresh and interesting. These songs are harmonically rich and really interesting to dig into. Scream along to the chorus and let your soul be taken up into a Valhalla of blood, fire, and steel. Kaine understand what it means to rock and will do it until they drop dead.

Find them on Facebook!

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