Chuck Schuldiner Project

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Oath Of Damnation - The Descent

From down under Australia Oath of Damnation has been spawned to bring their first full length cd to take over the world. Although my knowledge in black metal has its limits, it goes far enough to realize The Descent is an album to listen to. Growls coming the depths of hell, insane blast beats and the various solo's will obliterate your speakers. The way In Damnation Memoriae and Sergius III overlaps is insane, it was perfect, no nonsense intro's, just complete annihilation and a wall of sound that won't stop hitting you.

The keys will make its way during Sergius III and through this melodic way the song comes more to life. All in all the album feels like a steamroller not planning to stop for the next 30 minutes, but through the various switches it stays exciting and for someone who isn't a black metal fan, it is very enjoyable. It's not your typical black metal band, everything is really thought-out and there are a lot of variations between the songs, the solo's together with the rhythm guitar are melodic and amazing. With the ritual and self-titled The Descent and Shroud of Spoleto they have an album to be proud of. If you're a black metal fan, be sure to give this album a listen.

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