Chuck Schuldiner Project

Friday, July 18, 2014

Obedience to Dictator


Sci-fi themed death metal from Italy? Yes please! Obedience to Dictator are the kind of hard hitting, very brutal and primal death metal band who understand the raw beauty of the genre. Sure they couch it in layers of intense science fiction with tracks like Wicked Space Wolves, but the understanding is still there. There is a certain silliness to what Obedience to Dictator do, but that definitely doesn't make the music any less intense. If anything, it makes tracks like Pillars Ov the New Reign all the more frightening, as you ride this strange and otherworldly starship you find yourself in a world that fuses classic sci-fi with the internal darkness that defines our world. Mix in a couple blazing fast and blasting riffs along with a healthy dollop of groove and you realize that you have come to a place which only Obedience to Dictator can take you. Their are a lot of interesting differentiating factors for this band it leaves me with the impression that very soon Obedience to Dictator will rise up, masters of a strange new reality.

Find them on Facebook!

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