When your introduction to a band starts with what sounds like a slam riff you know to brace yourself. Undermine the Supremacy are cool though because they subvert a lot of the boring tropes that define most modern slam and are actually crafting something kind of exciting. These Australians use cool guitar lines and exceptionally fierce vocal lines to compliment the destructive attack that a lot of their riffs have. It's also important to note that when I talk about these guys using slams, be aware they still have hooks. There is something undeniably fun and groovy about these riffs, they get to the spirit of what we love about dumb and brutal heavy music. Yet, of course, this band is not at all dumb, the guitar lines and poetic lyrics show that they know how to really do something special. Sure, they could be polished a bit, but the raw qualities that define their new record Ashes are really what makes it so special. Let these grooves take over you and bend a knee to the undying power that death metal has over our souls.
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