Chuck Schuldiner Project

Friday, December 12, 2014

Lich King - Do-Over

Here's the thing, thrash metal should never be too serious. Yeah it can dwell on deeper topics and lead you to think but the second it becomes pretentious is the second it loses its magic. With Do-Over Lich King launch some rerecordings (along with some new tracks) that show they totally understand this spirit of thrash metal and will stomp your face to bits. These songs are going to get you stomp out a circle pit of epic proportion. These guys understand crossover and have a sense of humor about it, what more could you want?

What impresses me so much about this band is how they are able to completely take the piss out of thrash metal while simultaneously showing off its glory. Their cover of Hot For Teacher for example is a perfect highlight of what this band is all about flashy riffs and a hearty dose of fun. The track "Crossover Songs Are Too Damn Short" is in fact too damn short, but gives the impression of being too damn long. Lich King tickle my funny bone and get at the thrash metal humor that all metallers enjoy, but they also impress me with flashy solos and gnarly riffs. These guys will put a smile on your face and get your hair flying because they understand the fundamental nature of the genre.

A Christmas present to all of their fans, this collection of tracks is truly inspiring and makes me want to sit down and right a bunch of my own thrash riffs (Sadly I have classical guitar to practice instead) So sure, black metal sucks and these guys are hot for teacher, but at the end of the day, they truly are this generations thrash kings. With smiles and grooves to satisfy legions of fans I'm extremely stoked for what these guys will continue to bring to the table. Obsessed with all that is fast and unholy, I honestly don't know how they could have made Do-Over any better.

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